Our first Afro Youth HealthCon in BedStuy Brooklyn

Youth activism is on the rise and they are taking over the healthcare space by training as healthcare practitioners, administrators, and healers. It was an honor to once again partner with Dr. Torian Easterling, Senior Vice President and Chief Strategic Innovation Officer for One Brooklyn Health to host the Young Doctors of DC (YDDC), a ​multi-generational mentoring, education, and pipeline to health careers​ program for high school boys. The young men learn —-- and they come to New York to conduct free health clinics under the supervision of YDDC staff doctors and practice their skills as a part of their summer intensive. Some of the young doctors giving guest blood pressure exams at our AYHC were as young as 13.

Afro Youth Health Con was a one-day youth-led conference held in conjunction with The Bro Experience, Bridge Street Development Corporation, and One Brooklyn Health and my summer interns.


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